Learn with BuildahBeat
Music Engineering
Learn how to be a creative sound engineer, mastering balancing sound. We’ll show you how to get your projects Radio, T.V, and many more ready. With custom lesson plans tailored to your learning style; we’ll promise your experience will never be dull or your money back guaranteed.
Music Theory
From understanding the circle of 5ths to reading notes. The practices and possibilities can become yours.
Come learn with us today. With custom lesson plans tailored to your learning style; we’ll promise your experience will never be dull or your money back guaranteed.
Music Business
Ever wanted to know how artist, producers, business managers etc. get paid? Come learn with us today to see how money flows in the music business industry. With custom lesson plans tailored to your learning style; we’ll promise your experience will never be dull or your money back guaranteed.
Instagram Marketing
Ever wanted to increase your following and meet them organically. You will unlock the keys to form natural relationships. Join us today to learn how to utilize seeming less strategies to grow your Instagram page. With custom lesson plans tailored to your learning style; we’ll promise your experience will never be dull or your money back guaranteed.
Ever wanted to learn how to play an instrument? I’ll coach you along the way, for success. With custom lesson plans tailored to your learning style; we’ll promise your experience will never be dull or your money back guaranteed.
Social Entrepreneur
Ever wanted to use your craft to better the world? I’ll guide you to find your niche and make the world a better place. With custom lesson plans tailored to your learning style; we’ll promise your experience will never be dull or your money back guaranteed.